Quick Employee Attendance

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QEA Module enables companies to track attendance easily. Some companies do not use or need bio-metric machines to take the employee attendance. QEA is used to keep track of attendance in this kind of companies.

Employee Attendance Management ERP Software Solutions

Are you looking for a solution which can calculate and save employee attendance quickly?
Are you looking for Quick Monthly salary calculation option?

Employee Attendance Management ERP Software Module

Employee attendance module is the essential software for all business type either it is small or big.


Select Date and enter all employee attendance in single screen. Attendance can be Half Day/Full Day/Absent/Holiday/Off/Paid. One can also add overtime as half day/Full Day. Add remark to employee attendance if any.


Employee Attendance Report will show monthly report for all the employees. It shows total Present, Absent, Overtime and half day employee wise. So QEA modules easily enters and show data as required for the smaller organization.

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